
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sunday Social

I am so excited today because I am linking up Neely and Ashley for my very first Sunday Social!  I have always wanted to join this linky train, but I'm not a big weekend blogger, so I always forget!  I picked the perfect Sunday because this week is all about food!  My favorite thing in the whole wide world! 

1.  If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Anything spicy.  The spicier the better!  Wings, salsa, hot sauce, jalapenos, extra spicy quesadillas, tacos, burritos, biscuits and gravy (that's a weird one but I like hot sauce on it!  I learned that from my dad), chili.  Never underestimate the ability to add spicy to anything savory!

2. What's your guilty pleasure/comfort food?

Tater tots.  Crispy delicious tater tots.  Especially if they are loaded with cheese and bacon and sour cream.  With jalapenos of course.  The more the merrier!

And diet coke.  I know soft drinks are bad for you whether they are diet or not, but I cannot live without diet coke.  I have to have one when I eat.  I don't know how that started, but I seriously feel like my meal is incomplete if I don't have a Diet Coke.  And not Diet Pepsi.  Yuck!

3. What's the weirdest/craziest thing you've ever eaten?

I once ate an "Icky Licky".  In case you are wondering what that is, it's a lollipop with a dried cricket in the middle of it.  They have them at the Fall Festival here in Evansville, which is basically a safe haven for all things fried or disgusting.  This thing fell in the disgusting category just to make it clear.  It was cherry flavored if that makes it any better?

4. What foods do you avoid at all costs?

Guacamole.  I like avocado on sandwiches sometimes, but that's about it.  It's a texture thing.  I don't like mush.  I also am not a huge fan of black olives.  If they come on a pizza or something I don't pick them all off, but I might pick most of them off.  But pizza is the only, sometimes, exception.

5. What meal reminds you of your childhood?

Oh gosh!  There is so many!  Chili, made dad has the best chili recipe, which is weird because he doesn't even cook.  My mom is the one who always made it!  Tuna noodle casserole.  I know a lot of people think that is gross, but I LOVE the one my mom makes.  Sooo yummy!  Chocolate chip cookies.  My mom made chocolate chip cookies all the time! 

These actually look pretty close to what hers look like!

6. Share one of your favorite recipes and the story behind it.
One of my very own favorite recipes is this chicken recipe that I can't even remember the name because my mom always called it Elyse's Chicken.  It came from my very first cookbook, which was made for kids so it's super easy.  When I was in 4th-ish grade, my school came out with a cookbook and my mom put that recipe in there as Elyse's Chicken, and everyone knew it was mine.  I was mortified people.  Mortified.  Luckily, I turned out alright.  Here is the recipe:

1 (8 oz) bottle Russian dressing or Sweet and Spicy French
1 pkg. dry onion soup mix
1 (10 oz) jar apricot preserves
6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Wash the chicken and pat dry (I can honestly say I have never done this).  Place chicken in the baking pan.  Combine the salad dressing, soup mix, and preserves in a bowl.  Mix well.  our over the chicken.  Bake chicken covered in foil for 30 minutes.  Periodically spoon sauce over chicken while it's baking.  Serve over rice.   

I might have been embarrassed, but it sure is delicious!

Now I am super hungry!!!  Time to raid the fridge.


  1. You might be my twin!

    I LOVE spicy! If my nose hairs aren't burning it isn't nearly spicy enough!

    And I HATE Diet Pepsi! I only drink Diet Coke! They are soooooo not the same!!

    Stopping by from Sunday Social and your newest fan!


    1. Spicy food has to make you sweat! Ha

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. cute blog!
    New Follower :)
    Look forward to continue reading your blog!


  3. Elyse's Chicken sounds amazing! I'm going to have to make that soon!! And that ecard is funny - Diet Pepsi is NOT Diet Coke!!

    1. If you make it let me know what you think!

  4. how funny, we have a super tast tuna noodle casserole too and my Dad makes great chilli :)

    happy sunday!

  5. I now want chocolate chip cookies and tater tots! Yum!! I am a new follower!!

  6. New follower here... I love spicy! And I also love Diet Coke. I am never quite sure how people prefer Pepsi.

  7. Adorable blog! Found you thru the Sunday Social...and I'm your newest follower! YAY!

    Ramblings of a Southern Belle

  8. Just found your blog and love it! It is so cute! Unfortunately it is late and now I'm hungry! haha :)

    Sensational Seconds

  9. Ok totally agree on the diet coke part, but definitely disagree with thecguacamole and black olives! Love all three of those! Catching up on my blog reading a bit! A little behind to say the least!


    1. I am behind on my blog reading too! With the start of school I had the choice to just read blogs or just post on my own. I chose to just post and catch up on reading later! Things are finally starting to slow down :-)
