
Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Today I am linking with  Jane for Insta-Tuesday!  Another first for me!  I had to make a conscious effort this week to take pictures on my phone!  I have to say I did a pretty good job! 

Things I'm not good at and am making a vow to be better:

Picture editing.  I am not-so-knowledgeable when it come to this subject, and also lack the neccessary programs.  So sorry for the plain-ole' instagram pics!  I will try to do better next time!

1.  Shopping for junk with my sister at a local flea market.  I found some tables that I re-vamped for $5.00!  I'll be sharing soon!

I took my babysitting kiddos to the zoo for our last week together!

On Saturday my dad swam/ran/biked his first triathlon in 1 hour and 52 minutes!  So proud of him!

Another first last weekend- my first pedicure!  That's right, I had never had a pedicure before!  I suffer from "flip-flop feet" and was always afraid the people would be grossed out.  But I'm sure there they have done people MUCH worse than me!  My sister had a gift card and she didn't want to go by herself, so my mom and I tagged along.  It's definitely going to become a thing for us!

First kiddo-less day of school coffee.  Today is the second kiddo-less day of school and tomorrow is the first real day!  I'm very excited!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I loooove Pedicures! Your dad is awesome.

    I miss taking my daughter to the Zoo... the Giraffes are always my favorite.

  2. I love rummaging around flea markets. You can find the best stuff. And, I love that it's so cheap you can revamp it. Ahh I want to go to the zoo now. I haven't been in ages. Woohoo for your dad! That is awesome. I am the same way with pedicures. I always think I have the worst feet ever, but I'm always thankful when I do go. Thanks for linking up!!

  3. I need to go get a pedicure SO badly!! Maybe I'll take myself as a back to school treat! Glad you enjoyed yours - it's nice, isn't it??
