
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Classroom Tour Part 2

I posted yesterday about the front half of my room, and now we are moving on to the back desk area!

My desk. It's looking a little bit neat....

Behind my desk. My sister made me that sign for Christmas last year. Isn't it cute!?!

My ways to say goodbye sign!  My favorite one is Chop, Chop Lollipop.  I say that a lot!

Birthday Balloons with crazy straws!

Classroom rules.

Substitute Binder from Rachelle @ What the Teacher Wants! I just made this at the end of last year so I haven't got to use it yet, but I can't wait to take a day off so I can use it!

My bookshelf. I want to put these in bins eventually, but right now I don't know where I would put the bins. So there they sit, along with my very hungry caterpillar.  When I only have 25-30 minutes with each group there is not a whole lot of time for reading stories anyways.  And I deifinitely am not letting my students touch these books for their own use...I am picky about my books. :-/ 
My movies are on the bottom shelf.

Construction paper is on the bottom, along with helpful books. Monthly drawers are on the top. I keep holiday themed matrials in these drawers.

I also made these labels on my Cri-cut!

I keep my Reading Groups cart by my desk. I have to go to a different room for my Reading Block's Flexible Groups because Lori already has a group in our room. I keep all of my stuff on a cart so I can take anything and everything that I might need down to the other room with me. I have now been dubbed "The Cart Lady".

I think I will snazz it up a bit with some cute fabric or something!

Off to the side of my desk is my computer. Well really it is the student's computer, but right now it is mine because my real one is broken. See it wrapped up to the right middle of the picture? Sad day.

This is my favorite part of the whole room! The Where the Wild Things are bulletin board. My friend Courtney made this last year when she was in this room, but she got a new job, so she left...and I decided to keep this beauty!

Here is a detail of it...LOVE!

Well do you like the room?
Do you think it's a mess?  Because we really are trying very hard to organize it.  There is just SO much stuff in there!
We make it a little better each week. :-)


  1. I love the Wild Things bulletin board. Very cute! Your room looks amazing!

    Fourth Grade Garden

  2. Love the classroom tour! It looks great!! I'm sure it has taken a lot of hard work to get it lookin that ay!
