
Monday, September 17, 2012

Classroom Tour Part 1

I have been meaning to do this for a while now, but I knew it would be a post that would take a long of time to write, and I also didn't have my classroom situated enough to take pictures of yet. 
But now I do!
So here it is!
I really do love this room!  It is forest themed and Lori has had it this way since long before I got there.  The kids love it!
This is the view from the door.  Notice the seat sacks.  They are a life saver when you have tables...otherwise the kids have their stuff scattered everywhere.  Pet peeve alert!
This shelf is directly in front of the doorway.  The kids come in, grab their binders, and go sit down.  These binders have everything that they will need for the day inside of them.  But that is for a ENTIRELY separate post! 

This is the view from the door when you look to the left.  The desk behind the green pocket chart is my desk.

This is the table where I teach my little groups.  It was the table that you see in the first picture, right when you walk in the door. 
The green things laying on the tables are "parking spots".  This is where the students "park" the materials that they will need to be using.  Pencil, glue stick, scissors, etc.  That way all of their stuff is not rolling all over the tables.  Pet peeve alert!
 The view of my table from the front.

The chalkboard behind my table.  To the right you will see my center shelves.  (I feel like we are on a safari!)

I keep my books for the month lined up along the chalkboard.  So far I have yet to use any of them, but I paid for them, so I want to at least display them if I'm not going to read them! Ha.

I have The Daily 5 posted on the chalkboard behind my tables.  I don't know where I got these from, but if they are from you then THANKS!

I also have a hundreds chart and punctuation posters on the board for reference.  I also don't know where I got these from, so again if you made them, THANKS!

These are my center shelves.  I keep all of my reading centers on these shelves.  They are in buckets by theme.  Silent E, CVC Words, Consonant Blends, Digraphs, Letter Naming Fluency, Flash Cards, etc., etc.  My hope is that my students will one day be able to just grab the center that they are assigned to off of the shelf, however I don't think that will be happening this year since we work in small groups.  I usually have everything already set out for them!
I made chalkboard labels for all of my buckets and bins on my Cri-cut.  I just got some chalkboard contact paper and found some fancy frames to cut!  Works like a charm, and if I ever want to change what is in the bucket, it's no biggie!
I have crayons on the ledge of the chalkboard to the kids to use.  They are organized by color.  I hot glued magnets to the back of these bins so they would stay up there, but the magnets are already popping off.  So this won't be staying this way for long!

I keep a small desk next to my "teaching" table.  I keep all of my lesson planning materials in (or around) this desk.  I keep my math manipulatives for the week in the green bin for easy access.  I also keep markers for grading and extra pencils on top of the desk.  The papers I will need for the day go in the tray on top of the desk.
I do know where I got these cute labels for my pencil buckets...The Ladybug Teacher Files!  I got silver buckets at Target for $1, stuck the labels on there and glued some ribbon at the top and bottom!  Students sharpening pencils is another pet peeve...Maybe even bigger than the other two.  It's WAY easier if they can just trade their broken in for a new one!

All of my worksheets/ copies/ and activities for the week go in these drawers underneath the desk for easy access during the week.  I made the labels on my Cri-cut!
Our reading center.

Math and Language Arts centers.

They can play swat the letter with this alphabet tree and the fly swatters in the bucket below.

I keep ready-to-go Math Centers in these tubs on the table.  Then I can just tell the students to grab a certain activity and get to work.  Notice "Capture the Facts" center from Kathy @ First Grade a la Carte.

This is the Poetry Center.  Students can put the strips together to form their poems from their poetry notebook.
 That is all of the tour for today!  I don't want to bore you too much!
Stayed tuned for more tomorrow!


  1. It's all so cute! I teach 8th grade so everything you have to do exhausts me! But I do wish I could cute it up a little bit more. You are very organized!
