
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Fall Bucket List

Have you seen all of the Fall Bucket Lists on Pinterest? 

I'm sure you would have to be blind not to.

Here are a few:

 This is the one that we have on our refridgerator. 
I am loving this idea of having a Bucket List for each season!
All of these Bucket Lists have different components.  Some I like, some I feel kind of bleh about (like go to the zoo, I already did that twcie this summer). 
So I am making up my own! 
Nothing fancy or anything (I don't know how to do that).  Just something that I can cross off and talk about on this little bloggy!
Elyse's Fall Bucket List 2012
1.  Go on a nature walk (take the camera!)
2.  Bake apple dumplings.
3.  Eat caramel apples.
4.  Bake yummy pies.
5.  Drink hot chocolate.
6.  Go to a football game.
7.  Go to a soccer game. (My family is definitely a soccer family)
8. Make chocolate chip pumpkin bread.
9.  Paint and decorate pumpkins.
10.  Have a bonfire with s'mores.
11.  Go to the Fall Festival.  (That's a big one here).
12.  Have friends over for chili.
13.  Drink apple cider.  Maybe spiked? Hehe
14.  Try a new fall recipe from Pinterest.
15.  Make a fall wreath.
16.  Wear a fall scarf.
17.  Get out and wear fall boots.
18.  Count my blessings and give thanks.
That's kind of a lot of stuff, but I have high hopes for this fall season!  I plan on posting about a couple of things a week, so I better get to work! 
And hopefully I won't gain 10 pounds!



  1. I love the idea of making a Fall Bucket list. It sounds like you have lots of great things planned!

    KinderKids Fun
