
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesdays Are For Blogging!

It's of my most favorite days of the week simply because I love blogging on Wednesday.  It is definitely the best day in blog-land.  So let's link up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
Today I am loving something really inspiring that you really need to check out.
Lane is a 13 year old boy from Beech Grove, KY.  Not too far from where I am.  He has Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma stage IV, a form of brain cancer, for the third time.  The support for this kid is AMAZING, and it gives me goosebumps every time I look at the Facebook page. 
People from all over the world are giving Lane a thumbs to support him, and let him know that he is in their thoughts and prayers.  I have seen people as far as Brazil, and tons of celebrities giving Lane a thumbs up!
Johnny Depp
Brett Michaels
Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood
Luke Bryan
Anderson Cooper
Paula Deen

A group of local farmers
The list really goes on and on.  I have also seen celebrities like Katherine Heigel, Dwight Howard, Rashon Rondo, Anthony Davis, The Colts, The Cardinals, The Disney Characters.  I could go on and on, but there are so many pictures on there, it would take me forever to find them all!
We even snapped a pic for Lane at the salon on Saturday.
But you should definitely give a look-sy because I guarantee it will make your day better!
Here is what I am loving from Pinterest this week:

Just day-dreaming...
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
 Put magnets on the back of puzzle pieces.  When the class does something well or has a good day they get to put up a puzzle piece.  When the puzzle is done they get a reward.  LOVE this!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

 Happy Wednesday!

Don't forget to check out Prayers for Lane Goodwin!


  1. I gasped at those flower girl dresses they are gorgeous! And thank you for spreading the word about Lane, I just added his page to my likes.

    1. Aren't they darling? Thanks for liking Lane's page. It's such an awesome thing to follow!

  2. I absolutely love the support that Lane is getting- so precious! And that wedding dress is absolutely beautiful!

    I would love for you to stop by and say hi!

    Have a fabulous wednesday!

    1. It is one the better things that has come from the social media craze! And the wedding dress...I die. Now I just need an engagement ring! Haha

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. But remember, when you're partying like Jay Gatsby, if you see George Wilson coming, DUCK.

  4. How inspiring to see everyone giving Lane thumbs up, definitely gave me goosebumps. And great pins this week, new follower!


    1. It is definitely chilling!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. The stuff about Lane is heart wrenching. I just watched my cousin beat cancer and I can't even imagine having to watch a younger child go through that. I love all of the support he is getting and I'll be sending some positive thoughts his way too.

    On a happier note, that wedding dress is spectacular.

    1. Thanks for the positive thoughts! Isn't that dress awesome?! Now I just need to get engaged! Ha
