
Monday, October 1, 2012

Weekend Re-cap

Back to the daily grind!  I haven't posted since last Wednesday, so I better catch you up on what I have been up to!
Friday we celebrated Johnny Appleseed Day.  Well kindergarten celebrated, but since I'm not with kindergarten anymore, I had to spice my lesson plans up to celebrate on my own. 
We did some Apple Math Journals and snacked on some yummy apples!

They got 3 apple slices with a scoop of peanut butter and a scoop of caramel.  They loved it!  I was so surprised at how many kids didn't know very much about apples (they had never seen an apple slicer, didn't know what the core was, couldn't tell me what the skin was, etc...).  They must each a lot of chips at home!
Saturday night we went to Steak Night at my old high school.  It's a fundraiser dinner with lots of beer...GASP!  On school property! (You have to be 21 to enter just in case you were wondering).  My mom and I were decked out in our fall outfits from the mini-shopping spree we went on that afternoon.
I am in love with my new pumpkin pants!  And my bubble necklaces which FINALLY came in on Thursday after waiting patiently for a month.  I was beginning to think that I got ripped off by Amazon!
I got them for $17 a piece, which is a lot better than the $80+ I would have paid at J. Crew!
And I got a new purse, which you can't really see in the picture, but I am in LOVE!

The color is really more coral than orange.  I got it at Francesca's.  Have you heard of or been to this store or boutique rather?  I have always loved the one in Indianapolis, but now we have one in Evansville!  The have the BEST purses and jewelry...and clothes.  It's a very dangerous place to shop!
I also got a few things crossed off my fall bucket list, but that post will have to wait!  I have to get to school early today, so I can attempt to get some things done before the that bell rings!
Have a great week!

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