
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

100 Followers and Fall Bucket List

I made it to 100 followers on this little blog!
Actually 102 followers now!
If you would have asked me when I started blogging if I would ever get to 100 I would have definitely said no, but it has turned out to be an unexpected success!
So to say thank you, I will be having a giveaway very soon.
I have made considerable progress on my fall bucket list in the last week.  Here is what it looks like now:

Elyse's Fall Bucket List 2012
1. Go on a nature walk (take the camera!)
2. Bake apple dumplings.
3. Eat caramel apples.
4. Bake yummy pies.
5. Drink hot chocolate.
6. Go to a football game.
7. Go to a soccer game. (My family is definitely a soccer family)
8. Make chocolate chip pumpkin bread.
9. Paint and decorate pumpkins.
10. Have a bonfire with s'mores.
11. Go to the Fall Festival. (That's a big one here).
12. Have friends over for chili.
13. Drink apple cider. Maybe spiked? Hehe
14. Try a new fall recipe from Pinterest.
15. Make a fall wreath.
16. Wear a fall scarf.
17. Get out and wear fall boots.
18. Count my blessings and give thanks. 
9.   Paint and decorate pumpkins

Every year I paint or decorate pumpkins.  This year I decided to decorate fake pumpkins...I don't know why I never thought of doing that before now.  I can use them year after year.  DUH!

(I wish I had a better picture.  I couldn't find my camera cord, so I had to settle for a phone pic.)

Look out for a Crafty Project post about these darlings soon!

I also made these fall inspired letters spelling the word "FALL".

(Ignore the junky refrigerator in the background.  Looking at it now, I realize I need to do something about that!)

11.  Go to the fall festival.

I talked about going in this post.  I ended up going twice.  Once with Kelly, and once with my mom, dad, and sister.  That was plenty!

Here are some of the things I ate (I meant to take a picture of everything I ate, but I forgot!):
 and keep in mind that everything was split 2-4 ways!

-Corn Dog
-Fried Cookie Dough
-General Tao's Chicken
-Pork Tenderloin
-Corn Fritters
-Fried Thin Mints
-Fried Green Tomatoes
-Kraut Balls
-Chicken and Dumplings
-Red Beans and Rice
-Fried Oreos
-Fried Mac N' Cheese
-Fried Green Beans

Fried, fried, fried!  Good thing this thing only lasts one week!

Here I am!  Ready to go with my spoon in my pocket.

 Eating chicken and dumplings! 

 Waiting for our corn fritters...

Getting ready to eat stromboli!

I have done a few other things but I forgot to take pictures (bad words!), so I will have to do them again!

That's all for now! Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Your pumpkins are great! I did a white pumpkin this year and I love it. Congrats on hitting 100!

