
Monday, October 15, 2012

5 for Five

Have you heard?
 Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One are hosting a new link up!  This is the first week, and I am so excited to be able to write my goals down and get them accomplished!  I am really bad about saying I am going to do something and getting side-track by other hopefully this will make me stay on track!

1.  Be in bed by 10:00 three two out of five nights.  I can already tell you that this is going to be really hard for me.  I usually don't get home until 8:00 or 9:00 so that doesn't leave a whole lot of extra time to get other things done.  But when it does happen, it makes me feel so much better when my alarm goes off at 4:30 in the morning!
2.  Get the desk moved.  Remember the desk from this post?  Well it is still sitting in the middle of my living room.  It's so heavy I just can't bring myself to move it to its proper place.  This is the week though!
3.  Workout 6 out of 7 days.  I haven't been doing too bad at this.  I'm doing around 5 days right now, but I want to do 6 like I was at the end of the school year last year.  Especially since the holidays are coming, which usually means weight gain!
4.  Drink 4 bottles of water a day.  Google says with my weight and lifestyle I should drink 2.9 liters of water a day, which is about 100 ounces.  That is 6 bottles of water!  Whoa.  I think I will start with 4 and increase from there!  It's so hard to stay hydrated at school!...Especially with no time for bathroom breaks!
5.  Finish all of my lesson plans through October.  Right now I have my math plans done until Oct. 26th, so I just have one more week to plan.  I would like to get my reading groups finished through October as well!
I am so excited to see if I can actually get these things done!
I'll let you know next Monday!


  1. Great list! #1 will seriously make the biggest difference - you will love getting more sleep, trust me! It is tough, though! And I am impressed you (almost) have your lesson plans through the end of the month - you can get them finished for sure! Thanks so much for linking up with us!!

    1. Well day 1 of trying to go to bed at 10:00 was a failure...But everything else is working out so far! I am loving this link -up!

  2. SO happy you linked up with us!! AND I'm excited to be your 100th follower!! yay :) This is such a great list- I seriously need to do so many of these...more exercise, more water, more sleep- all so good! Great job with those lesson plans- you're awesome!!

    Thanks again for linking up with us!

    1. Hooray! Thanks for following! This is a great link-up idea! So glad you guys are doing this!

  3. Love your list of goals!! I'm a teacher as well and it seems like no matter how far in advanced I do my lesson plans, it always seems to come to quickly. It's never ending! lol Good for you for working out 6-7 times per week. I barely find the time to work out 3 time a week. How do you do it??

    1. I honestly have no idea how I do it! Haha. I usually work out at night and I don't get home until about 8:00! Some nights it takes all I can do to get there!

  4. Love your list! I'm a teacher too, teaching 3rd grade right now but got my degree in special ed. from Michigan State. The water goal is hard for me for the same reason! I get a chance for 2 breaks throughout my day! Found you through the link-up!

    1. I made an effort to drink more water at school yesterday, and I ended up drinking the same amount! I ended up downing two bottles of water before I went to bed just so I could meet my goal! Ha

      Thanks for stopping by!
