
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Does That Make Me Crazy?

Michelle @ The Vintage Apple is having a one-time link up today! It's all about what makes us crazy (or normal?). 
Does it make me crazy that when I eat skittles I have to eat them two at a time and in the order of which color I like best?  Orange, Yellow, Green, Red, Purple. 
Or that I have to eat Cheez-Its three at a time?
Does it make me crazy that I actually like (and go crazy for) the scum that forms over the cook and serve pudding?  Someday I am going to make pudding in a sheet pan so that it's all scum.
Does it make me crazy that I get up at 4:30 in the morning so that I can blog and look at pinterest and still get to school early?
Does it make me crazy that I have so many clothes that they don't even fit in my closet or dressers at the same time, so I have little random piles of clothes lying around my bedroom. (This is why I never do my laundry, because if it was all clean, I wouldn't have anywhere to put it).
Does it make me crazy that I sleep with one leg sticking outside of the blanket?  Otherwise I might get too hot...
That I sometimes like to eat cold pizza for breakfast?
Hopefully not.
What makes you crazy?


  1. I sleep with one leg out also! So no your not crazy :)

  2. I wake up at 5 just so I can check blogger, shower and pinterest all before I have to leave at 6:40 to teach all day! At work all those websites are firewalled :( :(

    1. Luckily our corporation has unblocked Pinterest and Blogger from our firewall, but it's not like I have time to check that during the school day anyway. So I guess it doesn't really matter whether they are blocked or not!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Visiting from the link up! I do the one leg thing too! lol

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I guess that is not such a craxy thing after all! :-)

  4. I think anyone who doesn't sleep with one leg out of the covers is crazy!

  5. I eat my skittles per color group and which group has less in it is the first one to get eaten. So many crazy habits we all have, but I love it, makes us different!!

    I like my leg out too but can sleep with it in as well :)

    1. I had some skittles yesterday and thought of this! Ha

  6. these are awesome! i do the same thing with my leg+blanket especially in the summer. i like to be covered up but also don't want to get too hot :)

    cute blog you have!

    1. I do it especially in the summer!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I do the skittles thing too!! And the cold pizza, delish! Stopping by from the link up :)

  8. Visiting from the Link up! Haha I do the same thing, eat cold pizza for breakfast! it's so yummy!! Lol! I sometimes sleep with one leg out of the blanket!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I guess I am not too crazy after all!

  9. NOT CRAZY at all when it comes to clothes!! I am the same way! Thanks for linking up!!!

  10. This post is amazing!! I have been so behind on my blog reading since school started, but I have to let you know that I LOVE your new blog design! Super cute!!

  11. Stoping by from the link up- Hahaha, I also have to have one leg out of the blanket :)

  12. Oh I have no space for all my clothes either. I blame it on the size of my closet and not the amount of clothes I have, lol

    1. Yes that's exactly why I have clothes everywhere! My closet is too small! Haha
