
Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Progress

It's October and fall is in full swing!  Although we have had way more rain than beautiful fall days, but the cooler weather has been lovely. 

Since fall is in full swing that mean I have been working hard on my Fall Bucket List!


Elyse's Fall Bucket List 2012
1. Go on a nature walk (take the camera!)
2. Bake apple dumplings.
3. Eat caramel apples.
4. Bake yummy pies.
5. Drink hot chocolate.
6. Go to a football game.
7. Go to a soccer game. (My family is definitely a soccer family)
8. Make chocolate chip pumpkin bread.
9. Paint and decorate pumpkins.
10. Have a bonfire with s'mores.
11. Go to the Fall Festival. (That's a big one here).
12. Have friends over for chili.
13. Drink apple cider. Maybe spiked? Hehe
14. Try a new fall recipe from Pinterest.
15. Make a fall wreath.
16. Wear a fall scarf.
17. Get out and wear fall boots.
18. Count my blessings and give thanks.

I have already had chocolate chip pumpkin bread was previously posted, I am working on my pumpkins right now (they are almost finished!), and I am going to the Fall Festival today!

2. Make apple dumplings. 

Here is my apple dumpling recipe.  (Click on the link for specifics)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe and standing in the kitchen make the crust and rolling it out seems hardly worth it when you can use crescent rolls!

Slice the apples up and roll them in the crescent roll dough.

Melt the butter in a saucepan.
 Add the sugar and cinnamon to the melted butter.

Pour the butter and sugar mixture over the crescent covered apples.  Pour a can Mountain Dew over the top.  Yes, that's right.  MOUNTAIN DEW.  I don't know why it works but does, and it doesn't taste like Mountain Dew whens it comes out of the oven.  It makes a think syrup-y, sugary sauce. Mmmmmm.

Here is the finished product.  Top it off with some vanilla ice cream and it's all over.  SO good!

3. Eat caramel apples.

I ate a caramel apple....I cannot find the picture of it that I KNOW I took, but here it what it looked.


I got it at Wal-Mart.  And it was delicious.  And only 120 calories.  Not too shabby!

15. Make a fall wreath.

Here it is!

Check back tomorrow to see how I made it!

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