
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Social- Let's Get Literary!

Hope you are having a great weekend!  Let's link up with Neely and Ashley for Sunday Social!  Today we are getting literary and talking all about our favorite books!
1. Favorite childhood book

Love You Forever
by Robert Munsch

My parents used to read this book to me ALL of the time.  I loved it!  It is still one of my favs.

Are You My Mother?
by P.D. Eastham

This book is another fav.  My grandma used to always read this to us when we went to her house. :-)
2 . Favorite Book lately

Well I just finished the 50 Shades series.  I can't say that was my favorite, but I did learn  I was pretty over it by the time it was all said and done.  Enough is enough with all that jazz.

I guess I would have to say The Hunger Games series even though it's been about 2 years since I have read it.  I could not put those books down!  They are the best in the last five years for sure!

3. Book you wish you could live in

Harry Potter.  I am a Harry Potter fanatic, and that would be so magical!  I can't even imagine!

I did kind of get to live it on vacation this year...We went to Universal Studios and I got to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

4. If you could be any character from a book who would it be and why?

 Hmmmm....Definitely not Katniss Everdeen.  That would be too scary for this girl. 

Definitely Anastasia Steele. That would just be painful. 

Maybe Allie Hamilton from the Notebook?  I'm a sucker for love stories and I love ALL of Nicholas Sparks' books!...but then she kind of loses her mind at the end, so again I don't know about that.

Or maybe Hermione Granger.  She's smart and she lives in the wizarding world which goes with what I said before...but again she has to go through and do some things that I just don't think I could handle.  Like erase her parents memory...too sad.
5. Favorite Book turned Movie?

Gotta go with the Harry Potter books/ movies again!  I know the movies and the books are a lot different, but I like them both separately.  It's hard to compare them. 
6. Favorite Magazines

Food Network Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Rachel Ray, Oprah.

Yes I am an eighty year old lady.

If it helps, I don't really even read magazines anymore...That's what E! News, and Pinterest are for for right?!


  1. Harry Potter World is one of my favorite places on EARTH.

    New follower! Side note- you are almost to 100!Congrats!


    1. Mine too! If only it wasn't so crowded! Thanks for following! You are right...I am SO close!

  2. I went to Harry Potter World last year too! I had such a blast, and would love to be able to go back again soon

    1. Love it! I think I could live there. Ha. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I NEED to get to Harry Potter World. Love all your choices!!

    1. It's so fun! It's exactly like the book only with 4x as many people. Haha.

      Thanks for stopping by!
