
Monday, November 26, 2012

5 for Five

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  I will share more about mine later, but for now I have to see how I did on my goals for the week!  So I'm linking up with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One

Here were my goals for last week:
1.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before, if not earlier.  Eeek.  I totally forgot about this one.  I actually only posted twice last week and only one of them was scheduled!
2.  Finish the wreath I started working on.  CHECK!  The wreath was for my sister so I had to finish it before she went back to school!
She added the letter.  Isn't it cute!?!
3.  Help my mom cook on Wednesday night.  CHECK!  That is my favorite part of Thanksgiving!
4.  Slow down and enjoy the holiday.  CHECK!  I even did a little shopping on Black Friday!
5.  Count my blessings.  CHECK!  I have so much to be thankful for!
Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before.
2.  Finish at least 2 craft projects.  I have to get started on Christmas gifts!
3.  Make an additional payment on my credit card.  I charged some extra stuff to it this weekend, and I want to get that off of there!
4.  Workout 6 out of 7 days.  I got off track due to the holiday.
5.  Put the finishing touches on my Christmas decorations.
Have a great week!


  1. 4 out of 5?! You're awesome! What a fantastic week you had! That wreath is ADORABLE. I'm really, really loving it! You have good goals for this week too- I so need to make an additional credit card payment (booo!) and workout! Let us know what crafts you make! I can't wait to see them :)\

    Have a fantastic week!

  2. I love your blog! I saw your cupcake button somewhere, and since I love cupcakes, I had to visit. Thanks for sharing so many great ideas! I've nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award, see my post here:

  3. That wreath is awesome. I wish I was crafty enough to do stuff like that, but alas, I can't even cut in straight line, much less create something that beautiful. Good job on getting 4 out of 5! That's great!

  4. I love that wreath!! Your crafts always turn out so cute! And way to go on your goals last week - you rocked it. Thanks for linking up!
