
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

WILW and OHP- Thanksgiving

Last day of the work week!  Wahoo!  I'm so glad to be back for my fav link up of the week!  So Let's get to it with  Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
I am loving my parents new doggy!  We haven't had a dog for probably almost 10 years, so we are excited!  His name is Dierks after Dierks Bentley.  Isn't he cute?!?
I am loving that Thanksgiving is tomorrow!
 I love Thanksgiving because it is pretty much the same type of gathering as Christmas only without all of the hustle and bustle! 
We will be having our celebration at my parents house, as always. 
Some things on the menu include:
-Turkey (my least favorite)
-Mashed Potatoes
-Corn Pudding
(some would call it corn casserole, but we call it pudding.  Why?  I don't know.)
-Sweet Potato Casserole
(Of course! Only it's more like reincarnated bread with some vegetables because if you "stuff" that stuffing in the turkey, I'm definitely not eating it!)
-Broccoli Casserole
-Strawberry Pretzel Salad (Another fav)
-Pumpkin Pie
-Pecan Pie
-Oatmeal Cake
So much food!  Which beings me to my next thing that I am loving...
Cooking with my mom, sister, and even my brother.  We all help out! (My dad does the yard).  This year I am excited because my brother's girlfriend is helping us cook too!  And my Grandma is bringing over some wine and cheese to snack on while she helps us!  We will be spending lots of time together this holiday weekend, while we are still mourning the loss of my grandmother.  We will have lots of love, support, and comfort food to go around, and I know God will always help us through the difficult times!
Here are my Thanksgiving finds from Pinterest:
 Pumpkin Praline Dessert
Yummy drink.
Hot bourbon apple cider.
Cute little turkey treat.
Pumpkin shaped dinner rolls with pecan stems.

Smelly-good stuff on the stove. :-)

Oh Friends...
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest

Phoebe: Joey, those are maternity pants."
Joey: "No, these are my Thanksgiving pants."
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
What are you loving on this Wednesday before Thanksgiving?
Stay tuned tomorrow for MORE about what I am thankful for.  There are just so many things, and I know you are so curious!


  1. Your post just made me incredibly hungry looking at all of those yummy foods!
    Hope you have a happy thanksgiving!

  2. Strawberry pretzel salad??? That sounds delicious!!
