
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Social- Thanksgiving

I LOVE Thanksgiving...not as much as I love Christmas, but it's definitely a close second.  You have the yummy food and great company, but without all of the hussle and bustle of gift buying, gift giving, and money spending.  Much more chill.  This week I'm linking up with Neely and Ashley for Sunday Social to talk about Thanksgiving! 
1. What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
I have so many Thanksgiving memories, I can't pick just one!  
My mom always makes a breakfast casserole that morning, and we watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  I always thought it was weird that she makes breakfast on a day where all we do is eat, but that's what we do!
2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
More like what is my least favorite.  I'm not a huge fan of the turkey.  It's what I eat the least of.  Other than that, I pretty much feast on everything.  Sweet Potato Casserole, Broccoli Casserole, Corn Pudding, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing, Rolls, Pecan Pie, Pumpkin Pie, Oatmeal Cake.  It's a casserole lovers heaven really.
3. What is a Thanksgiving tradition you and your family have?
I always make the stuffing.  And I always eat some before it is cooked.  Don't worry, it doesn't have any sort of parts or raw things in it.  It's just pure pre-thanksgiving deliciousness.  My brother always makes the pumpkin pie, ever since my grandma grew a little older and it got a little more burnt every year. :-)  My sister always helps cook too.  We all cook our tails off the night before Thanksgiving. 
We also always take our Christmas card picture on Thanksgiving morning before people come over to our house.  Here's last year's pictures:

4. Show us a favorite Thanksgiving picture(or 5) from years past.

Already ahead of the game.  See the previous answer. :-)
5. What are you most looking forward to about this Thanksgiving?

Hanging out with my family, eating lots of food, drinking bloody marys, and watching the parade!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving this year!

Until next Sunday when we talk about what we are most thankful for!


  1. those are some great pictures! i love the parade. it's so much fun!

    1. Thanks girl! Just talking about the parade makes me so excited!

  2. I'm not a fan of the turkey either! My whole family thinks I'm crazy lol

    1. Everything else is so much better than boring old turkey!

  3. I LOVE the idea of taking Christmas card pictures on Thanksgiving day! I'm definitely going to start doing that - and then that will help me to order the stinking cards on time, too, because I always forget until the very last minute!

    1. It's great because everyone is already together and dressed nice!
