
Monday, November 12, 2012

5 for Five

Last week I didn't do very well.  Let's hope I did better at meeting my goals for this week!  I really did make a considersable effort.  So let's link up again with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One

 Here were my goals for last week:
1.  Finish at least one crafty thing.  Although I did not make any tangible crafts, I worked on a photobook for Christmas presents from about 4:00 Saturday afternoon until about 1:00 that night.  I'm counting it because I was still making something!
2.  Keep track of how many calories I eat using the Lose It! app on my phone.  This was my second try on this one, and I still didn't get it done.  I am having a really hard time making time to do it while I'm at school.   I'll put my breakfast in and after that...nothing.  I AM going to do it this week!
3.  Workout for at least an hour 6 out of 7 days.  I actually only made it 5 days, but I am counting it because some of the days I worked out for 1.5-2 hours.  So it's still the same amonut of time.
4.  Finish my lesson plans for next week before Friday.  I am planned until December! And I didn't have to go into school yesterday!
5.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before, if not earlier.  I hope to get some posts done tonight, but it didn't happen last week.
Here are my goals for this week:
1.  Finish the photobooks I have been working on before Tuesday.
2.  Keep track of how many calories I eat using the Lose It! app on my phone.  I HAVE to take time to do this.
3.  Finish at least one crafty project.  I have some Christmas gifts that I need to start working on!
4.  Schedule 3 blog posts at least the night before, if not earlier. 
5. Be able to set my alarm for 5:00 am 3 out of 5 mornings.  
Here's to hoping!
Have a great week!


  1. Nice job on your goals for last week!! What website did you use for your photo book? I'm looking for xmas ideas that I can start on as well!

  2. 3 out of 5 is good!!!! You should be excited about that lady! I'm proud of you for meeting your working out goal- that is where I'm really struggling lately. You have some more great goals for this week, too! LOVING finishing crafty projects and photo books- you'll have to share when they are done! Good luck with the 5am wake up call- another tough one for me!!!!

    Thanks for linking up with us again this week!!
