
Monday, January 21, 2013

5 for Five

It's goal setting time with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One!
Here were my goals from last week:
Remember green means check!   Red means fail.
1.  Fix Carol.  Like I said last week, Carol the Cricut and I are on a break.  Last Monday I took her to school in a last ditch effort to get her to work on my school computer.  It was a good idea.  She still doesn't work though.  I'm going to bring her home again today and try to give her another try.  But I'll have to ruuuuush home again because the silly Cricut place is only open until 6.  Grrrrr.
2.  Put Christmas boxes away.  Check check check!  We took them to our new house yesterday!  Have I told you about this house?  No?  Well you will just have to wait until tomorrow!
3.  Get bulletin boards done in my classroom.  This was all depending on Carol. 
4.  Cook at least two meals.  Kelly's very best friend and his girlfriend were supposed to come in town from Chicago on Monday, so we didn't make dinner plans because we knew we were going to be going out with them.  Then they ended up not being able to come down, and we had no dinner, so we went out for some Mexican.  They did come down on Tuesday, so we went out for dinner and a few beers with them.  Wednesday was the same deal.  Thursday was the Luke Bryan concert so I ate Subway on the way there.  Friday we went out to eat with Kelly's dad and stepmom.  And Saturday we went out to eat with Kelly's mom.  UGH!  This was a huge fail!  Although yesterday, I spent the entire day cooking and cleaning, so I have meal ready to go for this week!
5.  Stick to my healthy/clean eating for two entire days.  See above paragraph.  Didn't happen.
Only 1 out of 5...Boo for that!
1.  Fix Carol.  I'm staying positive and saying that this is the week!
2.  No eating out!  Except for Buffalo Wild Wings because we go there every Thursday.
3.  Fold my laundry.  I put it in the middle of the living so I would do it right after I finish this post!
4.  Get my new phone.  My dad has been trying to make this happen for me (because I'll be going off of his plan and on to my own).  But the corporate office is closed every time we go to the phone store, so they can't do it!
5.  Get lots done on my day off (that is today).  I have a long list of things to accomplish today. 
Check back next week!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you only made 1 out 5 goals but it sounds like you had a fun week! I'm so jealous you got to see Luke!!

    Good luck on your goals this week and enjoy today off :)
