
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back-up Plan

Yesterday I told you that I was going to post pictures of our new living arrangements.  Well when I was over there yesterday I completely forgot to take pictures!  OOPS. 
So today I'm going with a back-up plan. 
10 on Tuesday!
1.  The wind chill is -5 degrees here in good ol' Indiana.  It was 65 degrees on Saturday.  Is it spring yet?  I hate the cold!
2.  I am so proud of myself for making all of our meals for the whole week ahead of time.  Makes life so much easier!  Now if I could only do that every week!
3.  I love this picture of my sister, my mom, and I. 
4.  I finally tackled this pile of clean laundry.
 Yay for that!
5.  Seriously what would I do without coffee?  Especially when there is an "Artic Blast" happening out there.  Those are the weather man's words, not mine. 
6.  Nothing like a dinner of wine, cheese and crackers, Skittles on a Saturday night. 
7.  Have you seen Big Miracle
It was better than I thought it would be.  The fact that it was true story def made it better!
8.  Got my new name badge last week!  Yippee for being legit!
9.  I'm glad it's already Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday!  Thanks MLK Jr.!
10.  I have my first meeting with all of the art teachers in the corporation today. Again with the being legit thing.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Fun post! Wine, cheese, cracker skittle dinners are the best on Saturday nights... especially with a good movie or tv show. Hope your first day back was good!
