
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hey Wednesday!

Nothing like a rainy disgusting day to make you want to get up super early for school....yuck.  At least it is Wednesday!   I'm linking up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
I am loving that I am still alive today after all of the storms last night!  I always get nervous when I go to bed and there is bad weather.
I am loving that my first round of student projects at school are almost all done!  I am working on getting them displayed, and then I will post some pictures.  Proud Art Mama right here! 
Although I am a little freaking out today because my room has a leaky window.  There are a mass of projects sitting in the window sills right now.  It rained all night last night.  Fill in the blanks.....
I am loving that I get to see best  fraaaaan this weekend.  Happy Belated Birthday Megan!  Hopefully my other bestie will make an appearance too!  Three peas in pod!
 I am loving my pins!
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
 I want these.  My brother made some of these for his girlfriend for Christmas, and my sister painted them.  My birthday is coming up siblings.  Hint hint.
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
 Two shelving units with a thick board in the middle.  Hello desk!
 I'm dying here!
 Slow Cooker Teriyaki Chicken
Source: via Elyse on Pinterest
Have a lovely day! 


  1. i ALMOST pinned that cooler! that thing is amazing! that yellow/gray/white bedding is gorgeous. i've made that teriyaki chicken.. sooo gooood. we put ours over rice. :)

  2. I totally pinned that cooler not too long ago... now I need to find a man to make it for me :) ♥

  3. LOVE the yellow.gray.white combo bedding too!!! Beautiful!!!!

  4. I have pinned that desk before! I have a similar setup from IKEA and love it. Also- I have used that exact pin for a Profile pic on FB- cause life is better with laughter!

    Happy Wednesday!!

  5. LOVE that bedding! I really want the colors grey & yellow in my bedroom, still can't find the exact bedding I love but LOVE that bedding!

  6. Those M&M oatmeal bars look amazing!!! I am dying over here, too!
