
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

We're Moving!

Our seemingly big apartment is closing in on us.  Our stuff if overflowing the closets, taking over the living room floor, and covering the kitchen counters. 
 Okay it's all of my stuff.  But I like my kitchen appliances, my craft supplies, and my clothes!
I'm feeling squished and unorganized. 
So we are moving!  To a house! 
It's not exactly our house.  Kelly's dad and stepmom live about 3 hours away, and they want to move here when they retire in about 4 years, so they went ahead and bought a house here and WANT us to live in it for now.  We will pay the bills and do the upkeep, but there is NO RENT!  Woohoo for not throwing hundreds of dollars down the drain each month!
It's the perfect scenario really.  We will be able to save lots and lots of money to buy our own house in a few years!
We are already moving stuff over there, and we hope to be completely moved in by mid-March  (There is some work that needs to be done on the house). 
Here's some pictures!

Look at that huge backyard!
We will have a fireplace!
 A big kitchen!

 A big bedroom!
And more importantly a big closet!
There is also a guest bedroom, and two other rooms that we will use for a man-room and a craft-room.  Plus there's a garage! 
Living the dream I tell ya!


  1. Lucky lucky you!! This IS the perfect scenario - amazing! I can't wait to see how you decorate it :)

  2. How exciting! If you want to make your moving process smooth and fast, why don’t you hire a moving company? I think that will be easier because you said you have a lot of stuff to move. If you do that, you’ll probably be able to complete the process by next month, instead of mid-March.

    >Stasia Delatorre
