
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

I'm the kind of girl who....

I am trying something different today. 
"What?" you say.
"But it's What I'm Loving Wednesday," you say.
"What about Pinterest?" you say.
Sometimes a girl just wants to switch things up!
So today I am linking up with Holly at running in stilettos!
 I'm the kinda girl who.....

...gets up at 4:30 am so she can check her favorite blogs.

...can not survive the day if there is no coffee to start it with.

...loves cooking buts hates cleaning up afterward.

...would pick something spicy over something sweet any day.  (Although I do have a big sweet tooth) the weather every morning but never really pay attention to what the weather actually says. 

...enjoys a glass of wine every night.

...loves dressing up, but would give anything to wear sweatpants to school once a week.

...likes to watch Walking Dead every Sunday even though she thinks zombies are repulsive.

...can't wait to spend a night in with her boy every Friday.

...still misses her brother and sister every time they're away. 

...sleeps with the electric blanket on every night, even in the summer.

What kind of girl are you? 

1 comment:

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