
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Weekend Recap

Seriously y'all I had the best weekend!  So good that I decided to take a break from blogging...I did post on Sunday, but that was it!
Friday night we headed up to Indianapolis for a weekend visit with my brother and sister.  We didn't get there until about 10:30, and I got pulled over on the way up, but we had a little more time with Lauren than if we had left on Saturday morning.  Plus we got to sleep in!
Saturday my parents came up with the doggy, and us girls went shopping while the boys watched the IU game.  I spent plenty of money and I even got a new purse for spring!
Saturday night we all met at my brother's apartment (my family, his girlfriends family, and all of the boyfriends and girlfriends).  We went out for dinner and drinks at the Colt's Grille downtown.  It was so fun!  After that, all of us children went out to the bars.
So fun!
Then Sunday we dragged ourselves out of bed to go to breakfast at this placed downtown called First Watch.  I should have taken a picture of my food!  It was so pretty and delicious!  Then we all went to church together.  Probably the most boring mass of all time, but it was nice that we all got to go together!
Then it was time to say goodbye and make the trek back home.  We stopped by Kelly's grandparents house for lunch on the way back. 
Sunday night we watched Walking Dead, and it started to get good again.  Last episode was less than thrilling, but now things are heating up!  I am wondering if this show will ever have an end?
Yestderday I had the day off of school for President's Day.  I got so much accomplished! And it was so so so nice outside!  When I left my apartment the sun was shining and the birds were chirping, and it was 62 degrees...totally made me long for spring!   I went to school for 3 hours, got my entire behavior system worked out finally, rearranged the desks, picked up a little.  Yes all of that took three hours.  Then I had lunch with Kelly, and I went to paint some at the house.  Our apartment is starting to look empty!  Then I went to the store to get stuff for dinner this week.  I made dinner, and I went to work out!  Oh yeah, and that nice weather, it's gone... :-(  It started pouring rain around 3:00 and never really stopped.  Now it's 34 degrees.  Gotta love Indiana! 
Jam-packed I tell ya!
Last night when I was laying in bed I was so sad that it was over, but so glad we got to spend so much time together!  Blessed. :-)
Have a great week friends!

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