
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Social- Valentine's Day

It's Sunday and I'm linking up with Ashley and Neely for Sunday Social!  This week the questions are about Valentine's Day!
1. Best Valentines Day you’ve ever had.
 I can't choose!  All of my Valentine's Days with Kelly are my favorite!  Our first year, we went to a Japanese restaurant and a movie, then out for drinks.  Our second year, we went to Barr Louie for dinner and drinks.  Last year we went to Bonefish, and I got diamond earrings!  We always have a great time with each other no matter what we are doing!

 2. Worst Valentines Day you’ve ever had.
Back in my single days, my other single friends and I decided we were going to go out to dinner and go to the movies to see He's Just Not That Into You.  All the restaurants were too crowded, so we went to Grandy's (a local version of KFC).  And the movie was sold out.

 3. What did you do for Valentines this year?
We didn't completely celebrate yet.  We went to Buffalo Wild Wings like we do every Thursday.  Our waitress made us some treats!
But I got Kelly a getaway to New Harmony, Indiana, a quaint little town that's not too far away.  Our reservations include a one night stay at the local inn, dinner for two, and breakfast the next day.
I also gave Kelly a little gift basket.

 4. Best Valentines Idea if you’re single
Go out with your single friends!  Make dinner together and watch sappy chick flicks!  I'm not single and I want to do that!

 5. Favorite Valentines Candy?
Anything chocolate!

 6. Favorite Valentines Memory from your childhood.
Hmmmmm.  I don't have any specific memories from Valentine's Day as a child, but my mom always got us candy and a little present!  Even to this day, she stills gives us a little something with our candy.  Even the boyfriends and the girlfriends get something!  She is the cutest!

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