
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Currently- April

It has been a seriously long time since I linked up with Farley

Honestly I never knew how to edit pictures on Windows 8.  I finally got. P.S. it wasn't even hard.  Here's my Currently for April!

Listening:  To the news of course!  I watch the news every morning.  Helps me stay informed since I don't read the newspaper!

Loving:  Our new couch!  We were plannig on buying a new one, but we found one through someone my sister knew.  It was in good condition and only $350!  We finally have a place to sit and watch tv!

Thinking:  Who the heck thought of Apple Cinnamon flavored greek yogurt???  I bought it at the store because there is always a ton of that flavor, so I figured it must be high demand...I learned that there is probably a lot of it because no one likes it.  Apple Dumplings are supposed to taste like Fall, not yogurt.

Needing:  COFFEE!  I have been out since we got back from vacation.  Seriously I can't make it through the day without that stuff. 

Advice:  Always think positive!  Life is so much better when you look on the brighter side of things.  Plus no one wants to be around someone who is complaining all the time! 
P.S.  Did you see this!?!?
Words cannot explain how excited I am about this!


  1. What a deal on the couch! It looks very comfy! I have not tried that yogurt and now I don't think I will. :) I love pineapple. :) I had not heard of Finding Dory coming out. How fun! Have a great day!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

    1. The pineapple kind is my fav! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Awesome couch!! I love finding "new to me" things at a great deal:) I had to laugh at your Greek yogurt comment. I like weird things like that but my new favorite flavor is mango! I love your advice:)
    Fourth Grade Flipper

    1. Finding a good deal is like finding a secret treasure...makes you feel so good! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm hearing you on the coffee, cannot get by without it! I have to say I am looking forward to Dory as well.
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings
