
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Vacay Pictures Part 1

Ever have a really good day?  Like so good that when we go to bed and you just sigh because you were so happy all day long for no particular reason?  That's the day I had yesterday...feels so good to have a day like that every once in a while. 
Now if that could happen two days in a row that would be great. :-)
Last week I was on spring break, and we took a MUCH needed vacation to Destin, FL.  It was so nice to just get out of town (by the way it was snowing here the whole time we were gone...SUCESS!).

It was SO cold for laying out.  (45 degrees to be exact).  My mom and I just had to think about how warm we wanted to be ( I think we were crazy).  Covering up my feet with a towel helped!

Walking on the beach with my always smiling boy. ;-)

 This was a medium size margarita.  The large ones were as big as my head!

Walking on the bay.

 The water was so blue!

My parents at McGuire's Irish Pub.  LOVE that place!  It has such a great atmosphere and great food (and home-brewed beer)!  The Reuben rolls were fantastic!  I wish I would have taken a picture!  This is also one of the only places I will ever eat a hamburger...they are so yummy!

Remember the margarita picture?  Well Kelly got food poisoning from that restaurant, so he was out of commission for about 2 days.  :-/  He stayed home while we went to McGuire's.

This night was also my brother's birthday.  And since he couldn't join us, we took the liberty of celebrating without him again...just like last year.

Check back tomorrow for Vacay Pictures Part 2!


  1. Cute! I love Florida! I wish I could move there, its on a bucket list of mine :)

    1. When I am retired, that's where I'll be!

  2. Looks like such a fun time, even if it was chillier than you'd hoped! My boyfriend and I almost went to Destin this Spring Break, but we got a deal for Puerto Rico so we did that instead. We definitely wanna go to Destin at some point tho cuz we heard it's beautiful (and he's been there and says it is, too)

    1. It's very pretty! Although I'm sure Puerto Rico is prettier. ;-). You always go on the best trips!
