
Monday, May 20, 2013

5 for Five

I took a couple of weeks off, but it's time that I get back into the swing of things with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One!
Here's my goals from 2 weeks ago:
1.  Finish at least one craft project. Still doing yard work instead of crafting.  Hopefully when school gets out I will have more time to get stuff done!
2.  Unpack at least 5  boxes. Check!
3.  Put clothes away.  This was on my list of things to do yesterday, but I didn't have time to get everything done!
4.  Prepare for my interview on the 15th.  It went really well, and I will find out on Wednesday if I will still be an art teacher next year!
5.  Try a new recipe. 
This was super easy!

Roast the broccoli with olive oil, garlic salt and pepper.
After roasting for 10-15 spread roasted garlic hummus on top, and return to the oven for about 5 more minutes. 
Very easy and delicious!
We had our broccoli with grilled pork chops and roasted potatoes.  We even ate outside!
3 out of 5 goals, not too shabby!
Here are some goals for next week (or whenever I get them done):
1.  Put clean clothes away.
2.  Spray/ pull weeds.  We have this nasty vine stuff that keeps popping up in our landscape.  It's got to go!
3.  Hang décor on walls.
4.  Get one DIY project done.
5.  Order part for the grill.  We have a burner that is not working properly, so it takes forever to cook the food!
Here's to getting things accomplished!

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