
Monday, May 20, 2013

BEDIM Challenge {Day 20}

I am getting tired of typing it out, so here it goes.  Day 20 of the BEDIM Challenge.
 Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now.
I am currently struggling with being a "homeowner". 
I put it in quotes because we don't actually own this home.  It's Kelly's dad's house, but we are occupying it until he moves here in about 4 years.
It is so hard to get everything done!
Mow the yard.
Weed the landscaping.
Spray off sidewalks and patio.
Clean gutters.
Build new screens for windows.
Hang curtains.
Hang décor.
Organize closet.
Organize entire house.
Clean entire house.
It is never-ending!
I am currently wondering how I will ever be able to manage children and a house!
I need a cleaning lady...Any takers?


  1. Ugh...that is no fun!
    I've realized the hard way (via my boyfriend's place) that it's really nice to rent and have someone else come and do all of the stuff you need done haha. It's all just preparing you for when you really ARE a homeowner!

  2. Yikes! What a list that is... I have a few things on that list that needs to be completed too.. hahaha-

  3. i just love the name of your blog! it's so fun. and, i totally hear you on the homeowner thing. it's tough transitioning from an apartment (or a space where you don't have to do much upkeep) to a home that's all yours (in quotes or not)! i've actually hired someone to clean our bathrooms on occasion because i hate it more than anything.
