
Monday, June 17, 2013

5 for Five...For real!!

Goodbye Writer's Block!  Sorry girl but as of this morning I kicked your booty out the door!  And by 8:30 I had already been peed on (Swimmie Diapers are only made to hold #2 and I had on an army green dress...just picture how that worked out, good thing we were going to the pool!).  Let's see how I did with Jessica @ Fantastically Average and Jenn @ Party of One
Here are my goals from last week:
1.  Set up coffee bar.  Got it!  I'm not sure I am in love with it though.
It was white and I painted it purple to match the peacock painting that hangs above it.  That I sanded down some of the edges.  I painted some sketchy black lines on it with a dry fan brush, then I splattered it with gold and silver paint.  It looks very "arty".  I also put crackle on it, but I crackled and crackled, and the paint never budged.  So no crackle, but I still like the worn, sloppy look of it!

What I don't like about it is that it sits kind of low for how tall I am.  I have to hunch over to make my coffee.  It's also smaller than I envisioned.  I was hoping to fit all of my mugs on it too.  Plus the sink is all the way over on the other side of the counter that you see on the right.  So I have to walk all the way around to fill the pot up with water.  Right now it's more of an inconvenience to me. 
I did actually move it so that it sits against the counter.  That way I can set my mug on the counter, and I don't have to hunch as much. 
I would still prefer something like this:
But mine will do for now!  At least I freed up some counter space!
2.  Hang décor in bedroom, living, and kitchen.  Pics to come!  I don't want to spoil it!
3.  Work out every day. Monday-Sunday.  I skipped two days, but I worked out twice on Monday and Thursday so I still made it 7 times.  It counts!
4.  Plan meals for next week.  Turns out I didn't even have to go to the store to buy any of the stuff!  Double points for that right?
5.  Sign up for yoga.  I signed up!  Now I just have to go! I'm afraid!  I can workout until the cows come home, but yoga??? Idk yet.
5/5...What what!?!?  Go me!
Here are my goals for this week: 
1.  Go to school one time.  I really have to do it this week!!!  I am getting too "lax" about this new job.  I have a ton of stuff to do!
2.  Go to two yoga classes.  I have to go to at least five classes a month to get my $$ worth.
3.  Begin the ever-so-long process of fixing my Cri-cut.  Y'all remember the last time I did this?  Wasn't pretty.
4.  Organize my craft room. 
5.  Blog every day. 
See ya next Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the purple!! The stand goes perfect w/ the peacock picture!!
