
Friday, June 14, 2013


Do you hear them?  Do you hear those crickets?

That's the sound of my not-so-fab friend.

Writer's Block.

She's taking over today.

And causing me to stare at this screen and tap my fingers on the keys.  Occasionally typing a letter.

The ideas are there.  The words are not. 

So have a great weekend my friends, and hopefully my friend will put an end to her unwelcome stay by next week. 

Don't forget to enter Jenn's giveaway!



  1. Writer's block is just the worst! I get it all of the time, especially when I have a big paper due in one of my classes. Usually a good, long break is a decent cure!

  2. I have had the worst writers block since "summer" started! I need to get back to writing, because I do love it so much!
