
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Stitch Fix

I have been have participating in Stitch Fix for over 2 months, and I am loving it!  If you don't know what Stitch Fix is, I will explain...
Stitch Fix is a kind of like a Birch Box only it's for clothes, and they are not samples...and it's cheaper therefore it's better!
You sign up for the low cost of $20 a month.  (When you do give them my name, Elyse Fuchs, because then I get credit :-) )
You take several surveys on clothing styles, preferences, sizes, costs.  You can even link your profile to your favorite Pinterest fashion board!
They assign a stylist to your account, and that stylist looks at all of your info including your Pinterest board to figure out what kind of clothes they should send you. 
Then they send you your items in them snail-mail!  It is usually 4 clothing items and 1 piece of jewelry. 
You have three days to try the items on, keep what you want, take a survey on what they sent you, and send whatever you don't want back in the prepaid package they send with the clothes.  Oh and remember the $20?  It goes towards whatever you keep.  If you don't keep anything, well then you just wasted $20, but I always keep something.
My only complaint is that the clothes are a little pricier than I would normally purchase for myself.  They have different price levels that you can choose, and I am on the lowest one, but they are still pricey (for me).  I am for sure a bargain shopper!
What I do like is that so far, everything has fit!  There has always been at least one thing that I want to keep, and the items they send you are unique and not anything I could normally find at the mall. 
This would be ideal for people who do not live near a mall, or clothing store!  That is not me, but I still think its fun!
So here are the items I got in my first Fix a couple months ago.
(Sorry for the closet pictures.  It's the only long mirror we have, and the boy hates taking pictures)
(And also please excuse the messy closet, we had just moved in...not that it doesn't still look like that, but that is my excuse)
I really liked this dress.  It is actually the item that I kept!

I did not like this shirt.  The whole wrap around thing does not suit me well, and this type of sleeve (or lack thereof) makes my arms look bigger than they are.  Not a fan.

I did like the back though!

I loved this tunic top!  I really wanted to keep this, but I have a shirt that is almost exactly like it, hence the reason why I like it so much!

I liked this shirt to, but the bottom of the shirt was cut up the sides pretty high, and the middle was see through like the bottom.  No see through shirts for this girl!

I liked this necklace, but it was expensive for a necklace.  I like $10 necklaces. 
There you have it!  My first Stitch Fix!  Since then I have also had a second one, but I did not have time to take pictures!
Don't forget, if you sign up give them my name (Elyse Fuchs)!
All opinions in this post are my own.  This is not a paid post.

1 comment:

  1. See...thats my problem with stitch fix. I always read reviews and the clothes always cost $50-60 a pop. That is not how I shop haha....I am definitely frugal! What were the prices like at the lowest level??
