
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

This summer is going by way to fast!  It's already Wednesday again!  So of course I'm linking up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love and What I'm Loving Wednesday and Michelle @ The Vintage Apple and Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday! 
Here is what I am loving on this week:
I am loving that we are having a Father's Day cookout this weekend!  Hopefully it won't rain!
I am loving that I am finally getting some stuff accomplished this week... 2 of my 5 for Five goals are already met!
I am loving nanny-ing my favorite kiddos two days a week!  Seriously who doesn't love playing with kids all day?  So much better than trying to teach them. ;-)
I am loving fresh summer produce!  It's so nice to have fresh fruits and veggies to snack on and cook for dinner!
As always I am loving my pins!
You can find my pins here.
Easy cake-stand.


 Cute mugs. :-)

I'm not a little girl but I want to do this!

Wouldn't this be the perfect cake for me?

Panted bricks for a garden.

My heart!


Butterscotch Caramel Peach Cobbler.  MMM.
That's all for today friends!  Have a fabulous Wednesday!


  1. I love those mugs! I might have to make those haha

  2. Hi Elyse! I'm coming over from Jenn's birthday giveaway! Those mugs are adorable! And I would totally love to play in glitter too!

    Have a great day!


  3. Hello! Coming to you from Allie's Giveaway!
    Great blog, glad I now follow :)

  4. I totally agree with you! I love the picture of the little girl and the gold confetti! I also totally love the outfit with the black & white striped skirt. I was sent here from Party of One's goody bag giveaway! :)

  5. hi I stopped from Fantastically Average, and glad I did because you have an awesome blog.

  6. Adorable blog! :) I love the DIY Cake Stands!

  7. Hi there! Thanks for the giveaway, looking forward to getting to know you :)

    xo Shane

  8. LOVE your blog design! I am entered in your giveaway over at Tales of a Twenty Something...but I am definitely staying to check out your blog.

    Katie @ He Calls Me Grace

  9. Ahh I love the glitter picture. I would love to do that. And, I totally died at the puppy/teddy bear. Soooo cute.

    Stopping by from the giveaway! So fun!

  10. Came over from the Tales of a Twenty Something Blog giveaway. My hubs collects coffee cups and I may have to use that idea for those for a birthday or Christmas present this year :)


  11. I love your pins! I found your blog through the Party of One giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!

    Sparkles and Shoes
