
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Never Ever Ever

Happy Tuesday!  I am linking up with Neely,  Stephanie, and Shelley today for Never Ever Ever to talk about the things that I will never ever ever do!

Never Ever Ever....

-will I be excited for school to start. I love my job, but I just love summer so much more.  I only have 2.5 weeks left! Waaa!

-will I NOT want to spend the day at the pool.  The urge never goes away.  The tan get always get darker.

-will I not enjoy laying in "my spot" on the couch.  I used to never lay on the couch...until we got this couch.  So comfs!

-will I be able to sleep without 4+ pillows.  The more pillows the better as far as I'm concerned.

-will I get caught up on all the house stuff we have left to do.  Yes, I am still complaining about this.  We have been here 4 months, and we still have no blinds or curtains!

-will I NOT love a good date night.  There is one in the works, and it's going to be epic.

Stay cool my friends, and have a great day!

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