
Thursday, August 29, 2013

I think we can be friends

Meet Holly.  She's my blog big.  She likes alfredo, fall, and hates football.  I think we can be friends.
We are doing a question and answer post today!  To see my answers, check out her blog, Back Home Again.

Are you originally from Evansville or are you a transplant?
 I'm a transplant. Originally from Northeast Indiana and came down here for college. After grad school I moved to the suburbs of Philadelphia and then moved back to Evansville when my husband got a job down here. 
What is your favorite food?
 I love anything with chocolate, but my favorite dish would probably be whole wheat pasta with alfredo sauce, chicken, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes and olives. 
What is your favorite Holiday?
Halloween! It's the epitome of fall. 
Do you have any hobbies?
I play clarinet in a community orchestra, photography, cooking.
What is your favorite season?
Fall! There is nothing better than a crisp fall day with not a cloud in the sky, changing leaves and picking pumpkins. 
Do you have any pets?
Two cats, Powder and Domino. Sadly, they don't get near the attention they used to before we had kids. 
Do you have a best friend?
My husband. I several close girl friends, but I don't consider any of them my "bestie."
Do you like sports?
I love tennis, but I'm not really into most sports. My friend and I have been threatening to start an anti-football club for years!
Coffee, yay or nay?
Heck yeah! I would have Starbucks every day if my wallet and waistline could afford it. 
Who are some of your favorite bloggers and why?
 Dara at Not in Jersey - I first met Dara through one of the Cara Box exchanges and we are so alike it's scary! Bekah at re-solve - She's one of my crunchy kindred and I love swapping natural remedies with her. Krystal at My Life of Travels and Adventures - She used to live about 20 minutes from me outside of Philly and it was nice to hear about what was going on out east. Plus, her family does a lot of the same things we do.
Thanks Holly!

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