
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike guess what day it is Mike!

That's right!  It's Hump Day.  We are half way through the week!  I'm linking up with Michelle for Oh How Pinteresting! and Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday!

P.S. I guess Oh How Pinteresting is going to be a monthly link-up now, but I did not realize that until after I already wrote this, so I'm doing it anyways!...Rebel.

Here's what I'm loving on this hot, hot, muggy, humid Wednesday!

I am loving that we are going on a canoe and camping trip this weekend!  It's been so long since I have really been camping so I pumped!...And only a little nervous about roughing it.

I am loving my coffee!  It's always necessary, but today it is tasting so delicious!

I am loving my yoga!  Right now I am feeling that lovely muscle tiredness that feels so good when you stretch.  Do you know that feeling?  It lets me know that I had a good workout.  Don't worry, it will turn into full on muscle soreness and pain later day.  That, I am not so much a fan of.

I am loving my pins!  You can find them here.  Ain't nobody got time for all that embedding stuff.

Ummm...^^^^^This chair.

I wonder how many pictures of this girl I actually have pinned.  My guess is at least 5.

No regrets.  Eat everything always.  (If only this was true)


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