
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer is NOT over yet

It has been a while since I have updated my summer bucket list.  Despite what people are thinking, summer is NOT over yet!  The first day of fall is not until September 22nd...we still have a little less than a month of summer left!  In fact, the weather is not even very fall-like.  "Sweltering" was the word the weather man just used to describe today.

1.  Have a cookout at our house.
2.  Go to a baseball game.
3.  Drink outside.
4.  Lay out.
5.  Plant a garden.
6.  Cook with veggies from said garden.
7.  Take a boat trip.
8.  Make margaritas from scratch.
9.  Watch fireworks.
10.  Go to a summer social.
11.  Go to an outdoor concert.
12.  Go to a bierstube.
13.  Eat a sno-cone.
14.  Take a walk by the river.
15.  Go to the zoo.
16.  Eat at a food truck.
20.  Go to the farmer's market.


3.  Drink outside.

Let me count thy ways...

I should have also included "Get eaten alive by mosquitos" on this one because that definitely happened.

4.  Lay out.

I don't have a picture of this, but my wrinkles tell me it happened a lot!  Just kidding...about the wrinkles part.

5.  Plant a garden.
6.  Cook with veggies from said garden.

I am so proud to say that I have been growing some great stuff! 

I have so many tomatoes growing right now!  I made salsa and tomato pie (Have you ever had that?  I should post the recipe).  So good!  But I forgot to take pictures until after it was already half eaten.  Not so appetizing then.

8.  Make margaritas from scratch.

My new favorite recipe!
9.  Watch fireworks.
Here we are waiting for firework to start!
That's enough for today...Check back later for more!


  1. I can't thank you enough for this post! I don't know why everyone is always rushing fall, and fall doesn't officially start until the end of September. Fall is a lovely time of year, but after fall comes winter *shudder* why would you want to rush that?! And then everyone will be wishing for summer again :-P

  2. It's too bad you're aren't downtown on Fridays...we could have a food truck lunch date!
