
Monday, September 23, 2013

Blogtember- Day 14...I think

I'm ready to start another week with Jenni @ Story of My Life.  September is just zipping right by!

Monday, September 23: A "life lately" post. What you're up to, how you're feeling, how you're doing on your goals, etc. Bonus points for great photos!

I am not really up to anything exciting at this particular time in my life.  I am just trying to keep my head above water at school.  Just as soon as I think I'm all caught up, I am drowning in work again.  I bring home stuff to work on every night and every weekend, and I never get it all done.  I look at other teacher bloggers, how they always seem like they are on top of things and have oodles of time to make stuff to sell on Teachers Pay Teachers, in addition to try new recipes, make crafty things, run 10 miles, and play with their kids (all things I am jealous of).   I barely have time to blog with all my school stuff going on, BUT I love my job, and I get so excited to go back at the beginning of every week!  Even though I am super busy, I still feel like I am succeeding, so I will NOT compare myself to other teachers.  This is what is working for me right now. 

Other than that, I am trying to get decorated for Fall.  It always seems like such a short season once Christmas decorations start popping up, so I am trying to start right away!  My only problem is what to do with my decorations.  I could put them by the fireplace, but right now that room is like an addition to our hallway since we never sit in there.  It's used only as a passageway to the kitchen. I could put them in the entry way by the front door, but there is nothing to put them on in there except the floor.  The same with the living room...I could put them on the ottoman! Ha.  The moral of the story is, we need more furniture to put decorations on. 

That's all I've got right now!  I will be trying some new recipes this week (hopefully) and finishing a crafty project (hopefully), and I can't wait to share with you!

Here's a random selection of pics from my phone lately:



1 comment:

  1. There's a fall craft show at the fairgrounds this weekend. I cannot wait to add to my decorations!
