
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Visions of pumpkins dancing in my head...

Well here I am.  I should be writing lesson plans, making lesson plan examples, re-doing my behavior management game board (all the things that are on my "weekend list of things to do for school").  But instead, I am sitting here with my bottle glass of wine and my small plate of cheese reading blogs about fall and fun weekends, and I just can't help but to join in on the fun. 
Friday we were going to have a cute little dinner, at a cute little rsestaurant, in a cute little town, with cute little tables, on a cute little patio.  Then it rained ALL day...So we had Mexican.  In our sweatpants.  Well at least I was wearing sweatpants.  Kelly had actual pants on.
I think we ordered every dip they had on the menu.  We were not craving the same things.
Saturday I went up to Indy with my mom and my sister's friend Hannah to have a girls-ish weekend.  I say "ish" because there were actually boys, my sister's boyfriend was there and my brother was there, but Kelly and my dad were not.  Girls-ish.
We went to the IUPUI Regatta downtown at the canal.  The weather was so gorgeous! 

Then we went to Lauren's boyfriend's house and had a cookout with his family.  I took a break from drinking after this Snapchat. 

This morning we woke up early-ish and went to breakfast with my brother and his girlfriend.  Then we headed home.  I did some yard work and bought some mums.  I am feeling giddy about the Fall season!

More about Fall plans and pumpkin loves tomorrow!
Have a great week!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. I do the same thing on Sundays, always plan to be productive and it never ends up that way!
