
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blogtember: Day 2

Blogtember continues with Jenni @ Story of My Life

Wednesday, September 4:
If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? (bonus points for fun photos from Pinterest, but don't forget to cite the source!)

First, let me just say that looking at pictures of all of these places was really making me antsy about never really being able to take 3 months off to travel around the world....Maybe when I am retired....

I would spend the first month down under exploring Sydney and the outback of Australia.  I would spend a couple weeks there, and then I would head to New Zealand to finish out the month.  I have never been to that part of the world, and its really the only place that Kelly and I can agree on for a potential honeymoon someday.

Kangaroos at sunset.

Horseback riding in the waters of New Zealand.

The shores of New Zealand.

P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.  I'll find it!
Then we would head north to Italy and spend the second month there.  I would want to go to all the places I went when I went there the first time, Florence, Pisa, Assisi, Rome, as well as the places that we didn't get to go, such as, Portofino, Sorrento, and Venice. 

The colorful buildings of Portofino.

Pisa, where I would take a tourist-y picture and buy lots of goodies on the black market.

Here's where I would drink bottles of wine and eat copious amounts of pasta and bread.

The flowers in Italy are SO beautiful!

Florence and all of its art-y goodness.

Assisi, the most beautiful place I have ever been.  It sits up high on a hill, so you can the land all around you.  So pretty.
Then I would spend the remaining month exploring the remainder of Europe, starting with Paris, then London, then back to the places that I have never been such as Ireland, Germany, and the Netherlands. 
...Drink more wine and eat quiche and croissants by the Eiffel tower. 

...Sit on the steps of Sacre Cour and listen to the sidewalk musicians play for change while drinking and looking out on the city.  Okay maybe this was the most beautiful place I have ever been.

...London...just because.


...The tulips fields and windmills of the Netherlands.

....The streets of Germany.  I have never really had any desire to go to Germany, but I feel like I could drink some beer and eat some yummy German food here.

 Find all of these places on my Places to go board!

Now I just have to start saving my money for this trip!


  1. That would be such a great way to spend 3 months, what amazing places!

  2. Ugh, wasn't this prompt just a little depressing as it's like planning a dream you'll never take? But, hey, it's still nice to dream!
