
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Blogtember: Day 1

Happy Blogtember!  I'll be linking up with Jenni @ Story of My Life ALL month long!  Remember Blog Every Day in May?  It's like that, only this time it's better because we are skipping the weekends!  You may be seeing some dreaded double posts from me, but I want to still do some blogging on my own too.  Okay here we go...Day 1!

Tuesday, September 3:
Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.
I grew up in rural Southern Indiana as a part of a middle-class Catholic family....I say that like I am no longer part of that family.  Let me take that back.  I am part of a middle-class Catholic family.  We lead a modest lifestyle, but we were lucky enough to have more than what we needed, and lots of what we wanted.  We went on vacations every summer, and spent the weekends traveling to soccer tournaments together as a family.  This is one of the reasons I think my family is so close today...We were together ALL the time, and never really fought with each other.  We lived in (what seemed like at the time) the middle of no where, there were very few neighbors, and no other kids to play with.  We had to play with each other.  And we didn't have cable until I was about 10, so there was really nothing to do except build forts and make "spaghetti" out of grass and rocks.  I wouldn't change my childhood for anything!
I was also blessed enough to receive a tradition rich, Catholic education from Kindergarten-12th grade.  Growing up not only in a faith driven family, but also in a faith-based community has really taught me what it means to live your life through God and for God.  It taught me what it means to be a truly good person.  I can only hope that one day my children will be able to grow up in the same kind of community that I did. 
My upbringing, as well as the people I surround myself with, make me who I am today, which is why I try to surround myself with positive people.  My mom, dad, brother, and sister have all influenced my life and make me who I am today.  I still get so excited every time my brother or sister come home, or we go up to visit them.  I cannot imagine my life without them!  Kelly is also there for me on a daily basis to help keep me grounded and remember what is most important in my life when I get stressed or lose sight of myself.   My very best friends are there for me when I need a shoulder to lean on or someone to drink wine with. 
I have a sophisticated side.  I have a redneck, country girl side.  I have a healthy side,  I have a side that likes to eat fried cheese.  I have a teacher side.  I have a party girl side.  I have a domesticated side.  I have a "throw the clean clothes on the floor because you don't feel like folding them" side.  I have a gourmet cook side.  I have a microwave dinner side. 


And THAT is who I am and where I come from! 


  1. Beautiful post, Elyse! I love the gorgeous photos - it looks like you're from such a fun background :) I've just started Blogtember over at Good luck! :) x Sunday

  2. This is such a great post, you sound like a really fun person from a really fun family! I think Blogtember is going to provide some really great posts to read :)

  3. It's such a blessing to come from such a close knit family! Mine is as well and I am so incredibly grateful for it. I love that picture of you "sitting on the city." Where was it taken? It reminds me of when my husband and I took a trip to Toronto and visited the CN Tower!

  4. Great post with lovely photos! : ) I love how you shared your "sides" - I totally have that "throw your clothes on the floor" side : )

  5. I love post like this and wish I had time to sit down and do them

  6. I never had cable until I went away to college and we got rid of it a few months ago. I rarely miss it. I personally think that in today's age, it's one less thing to distract from doing things together as a family.
