
Monday, September 2, 2013

"Why is it still storming?!?!"

I am sad to say that the long weekend is over, but we have lots to remember it by. 
Friday night  Kelly's brother came down, and we went to an Otters baseball game.  The last one of the season for us!  Then we went out for pizza at Deerhead Tavern, our new favorite place pretty much (we have a lot of favorite places ;-) ).  The place isn't new.  My parents used to go there on dates actually, but we just recently started going there for pizza on Fridays!
Their double decker pizza is amazing!  I got the Hawaiian this time around.  I still have some in the refrigerator for later this week!  And yes that is a beer in a milkshake glass!
Saturday started our canoeing adventure.  We drove up to the Blue River, near Marengo Cave, with some friends for a weekend of camping and canoeing. 
Lindsey- the picture perfect canoe-r.

On the bus to get our canoes!

The water was really low.  We ended up pulling our canoes a lot of the way because they kept getting stuck!

We decided to take a break along the shore.  See our canoe-oozies?  Those things were lifesavers.  Who wants to hold there beer and try to paddle at the same time?  Just strap your beer around your neck and you're good to go!

I lost my flip flop in the current when I had to get out and pull the boat.  Lucky for me, I had found a left shoe in the water earlier in the day.  It was a nice shoe, so I decided to wear it!

 And then there were cows in the water.

We canoed SEVEN MILES.  Who knew that was such a long way!?  With the water being so low, we were exhausted!  We headed back to camp just in time to set up the tent before it got completely dark.  We got a fire started to cook our dinner on (sausage, peppers, onions, zucchini, squash, potatoes in a foil good!  I ate two plate-fuls!)
Then it started raining.  And then storming.  And it didn't stop for 8 hours.  It rained and stormed, thundered and lightening all through the night, for 8 hours.  We ended up going to bed at 10:00 because there was nothing else to do but go to sleep, which we never actually did sleep because of the weather.  At one point during the night Kelly and I were both wide awake and laughing hysterically at the whole situation.  At least our tent stayed relatively dry on the inside, although it is the second time we have tried to camp, and the second time it has rained!  Maybe its not meant to be!
Sunday morning we woke up and packed up to leave.  We were actually supposed to canoe 7 more miles, but there was no way that was happening.  We got vouchers for our next canoe trip and headed out to find somewhere to eat breakfast where the food wasn't wet. 
Sunday when we got home we took a nap, then we went out with some other friends to the Tin Man Brewing Company for dinner and drinks! 
We ended the long weekend with a game of tennis with my parents and some fro-yo!
I would like to personally thank the person who invented those dividers.
Whew what a weekend!
Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Sounds like such a great weekend, minus the rain! I love canoeing... especially with canoeoozies lol. Hope you have a great Tuesday :)

  2. You will have to tell me all the deets on the canoeing trip tomorrow. I think Zach and I would like to do something like that! : )

  3. We were up north and I heard it stormed pretty bad down here. Glad you didn't get soaked!
