
Monday, November 4, 2013

Fall leaves, Christmas decor, no zombie dreams...A good weekend!

Happy Monday!  This weekend was one of those weekends that really makes it hard to go back to work on Monday.  I'm feeling a little sluggish today. 
Friday night Kelly and I went out for sushi.  Then we came home and watched the beginning of Parenthood Season 1.  Anybody watch that show?  I can't decide if I like it or not.  It's kind of one of those shows where everything goes wrong, and just as soon as everything is going to be alright, something else goes wrong again.  Intriguing or annoying?  I'll let you know.
Saturday Kelly and I went on a little day date in New Harmony.  It's about a 40 minute drive, but it's totally worth it, especially in the fall.  The leaves were amazing!
They were even more amazing when we got there.  Every single tree was a shade of bright yellow, orange, or red, and the leaves were actually blowing through the air.  It was like a movie!
And I got to wear my deer scarf so it made it that much better!
We had drinks at a little wine bar there, then we headed down to a local tavern for more drinks and pizza so Kelly could watch the end of the Notre Dame game.
Sunday I went to school to get some things accomplished before the start of a crazy week, and I ran errands with my mom, where I found the biggest apple ever.
Seriously.  It was as big as my head.
And we bought some Christmas decorations, which goes against everything I believe in.  Thanksgiving should not be overlooked or forgotten! Buuuuut all the good stuff will be gone if I wait too long.
Sunday night we went to church with my parents then went out for pizza with them.  To top off our weekend we watched Walking Dead, and no one died...although Carol got excommunicated which is apparently what happens when you burn people alive by pouring gas on them.
And I didn't have zombie dreams last night.  *Thumbs up*
Have a great week!
And don't forget to like my Facebook page if you haven't already!

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. I totally agree about Christmas decor and waiting for Thanksgiving. I'm barely hanging on trying to keep my husband from making the house explode in Christmas decor. We're hosting Thanksgiving, so I told him the fall decor must stay out until turkey day is over. We can buy as much Christmas stuff as we want, but it'll stay in the closet until Thanksgiving has had it's time to shine :)

  2. I like Parenthood. It sometimes annoys me though, but they keep interesting enough that I have to come back and watch, lol. :)

  3. That apple is ginormous!! What kind was it?

  4. I went christmas tree shopping this weekend with my mom. We always wait until after Thanksgiving but then all the good stuff is gone so we broke our own rules this year. So I definitely feel you, as long as those decorations stay away until after Thanksgiving. haha

  5. Wow!! Totally in love with those trees. I hope to one day see real fall leaves in person!!
    Teaching in Paradise
