
Monday, November 11, 2013

How do you spell that?

Things have been very busy around here.  Kelly has been working overtime to prepare for end of the year taxes at work.  I have been basically living at school because there is so much going on at that place.  I hosted an art meeting in my room on Wednesday, was supposed to go to a workshop on Thursday (I forgot and thought it was on Friday), the "Fall Festival" fundraiser was at school on Friday night, the book fair is this week (I don't know how the book fair is at your school, but at my school it's a big deal),  and the music teacher and I spent the evening last night decorating for the Veteran's Day program today.  On top of all of that, we are babysitting my puppy brother while my parents are in Florida. 
It's all I can do to stay awake right now!  Especially when my puppy brother is all snuggled up next to me keeping me warm.
What I need is some Starbucks!  Which is exactly what I'm going to post about today! (Thumbs up for an accidental, but not so great segway). 
I was watching the news a few mornings ago, and they were talking about how the baristas often misspell people's names on the cups.
This happens to me almost every time.  Sometimes I give them a fake name, so they don't have to ask me how to spell my name 5 times.
"Can I have you name for the cup?"
"Elyse.  E-L-Y-S-E."
It's much easier to say Emily.  Or Sarah.






Love it!
 My personal fav.  Melissa is hard to spell...

Does anyone else ever have this problem?

Don't forget to follow my new Facebook page!


  1. Hilarious! I posted about this last year when flying up to CT and the barista at the airport put "Keith" on my cup. I can see how "Kate" may sound like "Keith" but ummm... do I look like a Keith?! Didn't think so... :-P

  2. That is too funny. I have heard a lot of people saying their name gets misspelled.

  3. I get this ALL THE TIME! I've tried Elle (like on legally blonde), Ellie, Arielle, Ariel (like the little mermaid). The best is when I go with my friend Kymbre. Then they just put Thing 1 and Thing 2 lol

  4. Hahaha! One of my Facebook friends posts ALL the time photos of her misspelled Starbucks cups. I will give them a little credit because her name is Sabeen so I can see how that might be hard at times though!
