
Monday, December 9, 2013

Snowpocalypse 2013 Day 1

Well here I is cancelled again today.  I guess I'll just have to spend another day eating and drinking and watching movies, and wearing clothes that are barely acceptable to the public due to their grungy, stretchiness! 

I am only a little freaking out about not getting our projects done before Christmas because we have missed two days now.  Just a little though.  The joy of naptime with my Christmas tree lights on and my favorite blanket are outweighing that worry.

I also am a little worried about the fact that after Christmas break we will not have a day off until Spring break, and that thought scares me a little.  But that's what personal days are for I guess.

Friday morning I woke up expecting a delay of some sort.  There was a slight dusting of snow on the ground, but nothing major, the grass was still visible.  I anxiously awaited as I watched the different businesses and school corporations change at the bottom of the TV screen.   And there it was!  My school corporation!  No school!  Woop woop!
So I went back to bed and 3 hours later, I woke up and ordered a Keurig for 50% off.  They were on super sale thanks to the Today Show's 12 days of deals.

I made myself breakfast, and may or may not have decided to put Irish Cream in my coffee.

Then ordered tickets to see Florida Georgia Line on Valentine's Day.  Then I decided that being out of school is expensive. 
I also ventured out into the snow and decided that it was time throw my frozen pumpkins away and decorate for Christmas outside.  By this time it had snowed about 5 inches and it was no where near done.
 Then I finished decorating for Christmas on the inside, putting the finishing touches on our new sports-themed tree.

 I needed somewhere to put Kelly's ornaments since they don't match the big tree!
Have I mentioned how much I love this thing?!?!
Kelly's office closed early for the day, so he came home.  It had snowed about 8 inches at this point, and my tracks from putting up the lights earlier were completely covered up!
I also folded this giant pile of laundry.
Yes it's all mine. 
I put some lampshades on our naked lamps.  I re-vamped then back in March, but never put the new lampshades on them because I thought I bought the wrong kind.  Turns out they were fine all along I just didn't know what I was doing.

Things are finally coming together in this place. 
The only bad thing about my day on Friday was that I was snowed-in with no wine.  I would have paid a lot of money for liquor store delivery (business idea anyone?).  Oh and I searched and searched for a pizza place that was still open (because almost everything in the entire town closed early).  Domino's was the winner.  Our pizza took almost two hours to get here, but it sure was delicious when it did! 
More snowy goodness to come! 


  1. Looks like you've taken good advantage of the time off. We have off today and Im going to try and motivate myself to get some cleaning done around the house. Maybe after I finish the book that Im reading...and some

  2. Super jealous of your extra time off, I would have loooooved to stay home today and add irish cream to my coffee and stare at my Christmas lights :-P

  3. I'm so jealous you got snow days. I had to work Friday and today. It was really scary getting home on Friday!
