
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snowpocalypse 2013 Day 2...3...4...5...

It's day three of no school!  We have a two hour delay tomorrow, and I will definitely be ready to go back!  I am beginning to wonder how housewives keep their sanity!  I am so bored.
Thankfully, it's Christmas time so there is plenty to do.  Like buy presents, wrap presents, decorate, watch Christmas movies...
Saturday night Kelly and I had our 2nd annual Christmas movie marathon.  I made lots of Pinteresting appetizers.
And we watched Christmas movies all night long, which really meant two movies. 
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and The Christmas Carol (not the Donald Duck one, the one with Jim Carrey).
Kelly was SO excited.  Especially since the Bulls were on during all of this.
He was a trooper though.
Especially once I made hot chocolate with snowman marshmallows.
Sunday night we went to dinner at my Grandma's house, and I learned that we didn't have school again.
Then Monday night I found out school was cancelled AGAIN.  So I decided to have some celebratory wine while watching The Voice.
Aaaand tomorrow we have a two hour delay.  So much for accomplishing things at school before Christmas! 
At least everyone will be nice and refreshed!


  1. Oh so jealous!!! I wish we had delays, or no school. Even more jealous because, I'm in Indiana too. What the heck?!

  2. I'm going back after 2 days off and a 2 hour delay today. I'm ready--I have too many things to get done before the holiday break (timelines and things to meet, meetings with parents to schedule and hold...and now make up since 2 of them were missed on the days off). Eeek I'm getting stressed just thinking about it. Time to pack up and head to work!!

  3. As much as I love our warm weather and sunshine, a part of me misses snow days and having an excuse to be cozy at home with nothing to do but watch movies and eat comfort food. Your past few days look like pure perfection!
