
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Favorite Things Wednesday

Oh hey!  Remember me?  I haven't posted anything yet this week.  Monday I was too cold, and I just wasn't feeling it.  I was feeling sleeping in later and laying on the couch.  Yesterday I wanted to blog, but I woke at 6:30, which is 2.5 hours later than planned, and I thought it was Saturday, so needless to say, I was running a little behind.
But I am here today, and I am sharing my favorite things, including my favorite pins!
Kelly and I celebrated our anniversary on Saturday, even though our actual anniversary was in December.  I felt I needed a redo because we were so busy then. 
Kelly surprised me with flowers!
 We went to a local gastropub for dinner!  Commonwealth Kitchen and Bar is a little bit of a drive but totally worth it.  And totally worth waiting for our reservations for 30 minutes!  We ordered several small plates to share, which is right up my alley!  I can try more things that way!
The brussel sprouts were SO good.  I don't know what they do to them, but I'm pretty sure it makes them not healthy.  And we got them for free since we had to wait!

Philly Cheese Steak Egg Rolls with an A1 aioli.  I wish there was more of them!

My second drink was a cucumber something.  Very yummy!  My first drink was not picture worthy.  I ordered a Manhattan Jam.  It was smoked bourbon whiskey with apple butter mixed in.  I thought my love for apple butter would overcome my dislike for whiskey, but I forgot how much I dislike whiskey.  Kelly kindly finished it for me. 

Parmesan Truffle Fries.  There was also Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese, but that didn't make it long enough for a picture.

The bill came inside and old book!

And then when we got home, as if we weren't full enough, we celebrated with a Gigi's cupcake!  And yes I ate the whole thing, and no I don't regret it.  Banana Toffee Pie...I die. 
Ok enough about food.
My craft room is also becoming one of my favorite things.  I worked on it some this weekend...if only I had a table to put in there (p.s. I do but its still in the box, and Kelly has to out it together)! 

It looks so nice and organized right?!

Ha! NOT.

There is definitely some work to do in there.  Again, if only I had a table...
Last night my flowers opened up!

SO pretty!
Now for my favorite pins of the week.
You can find all my pins here!
Cute dress!

Why did no one ever think of this?!?

Would be fun to teach with cave painting!

It's what is for dinner tonight!  Did I mention I made four meals on Sunday?  Yay for being organized.

This makes me want to get my haircut.

The truth.

On my to do list!



Kelly would love this!
I am done now.  Sorry for the long post!
Happy Wednesday!



  1. I love GiGi's!! So so good! And that chevron dress is adorable! I am all about the maxi dress trend - I have one coming in the mail as we speak!

  2. This post had everything I have ever wanted, the food, the craft room, flowers haha

    That rug in your craft room is sooo pretty! I can't wait to see it finished, or when you get a table (:
