
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Let's Pretend

I am drawing a blank today and cannot come up with a thing to blog about!  So I'm going to pretend like It's OK Thursday is still a thing and go with that.
It's OK if I ate one of the s'mores bars that I made for the carry-in at school on Friday.  I had to make sure they weren't poison right?
It's OK if 40 degrees feels like spring break weather.  I'm so tired of the cold.
It's OK if I get excited to go to bed because I know I get to have coffee in the morning.
It's OK if I had to load and unload the dishwasher twice last night just to combat the pile of dishes that was taking over our sink and counter area.
It's OK if I signed up to get the Sunday paper three weeks ago because I want to be a newspaper reader.
It's also OK that I have never once even opened said newspaper. 
It's OK if I just finished my coffee, and I feel like it was not enough.
It's OK if I don't want to be one of those people that counts down to Friday, but I still think it in my head everyday.


  1. Bah! I love that e card. Definitely my life in a nutshell. I hope you have a lovely weekend, it's almost here!

  2. I'm counting down to Friday a lot lately, especially with all of those snow days and not being used to working a full week. So, no worries there--you're not alone :)

  3. I'm always so sad when my coffee is gone each morning :(

  4. This week has felt more like a month. it's been ridiculous.
    Soooo glad that tomorrow is finally friday! :]
