
Friday, January 10, 2014

Happies and Crappies

Happy Friday!  I am so ready for the weekend, and I am also glad that next week will be a regular week (hopefully).  Today I am linking up for Happies and Crappies with Amber @ Brunch with Amber and Stephanie @ The Vintage Modern Wife!

The Vintage Modern Wife: Happies and Crappies Link Up
My Happies:
It's almost the weekend.  Nothing could make me happier than that.  I am already looking forward to my Saturday afternoon nap!
I am all caught up on my lesson plans!  This is something that hasn't happened in a while, and it feels good knowing that I don't have to write any for a couple of weeks.
Thanks to the snow days this week, I got so much done around the house.  I even painted my craft room, which hopefully will have a table in it after this weekend (If I can get Kelly to put it together).  I am ready to organize that thing and get my craft on!
We got Apple TV for Christmas, and I am in love with it!  It is so nice to watch whatever we want when we want.  No more waiting for Netflix to come in the snail mail!
My Crappies:
I have gotten back to eating healthy and cutting my portions back this week, as well as working out like I usually do, and I have only dropped .4 lbs. so far.  So frustrating!  Especially when I feel like I am hungry all the time.  And the worst part...I have decided to cut back on my wine intake until I lose some holiday weight.  I haven't had anything to drink since last weekend.  Patience.  I will not give up!
Yup :)
We finished Breaking Bad this week, and I am so sad that it is over!  I want more!  We definitely need a show to replace the emptiness that I am feeling.  I am open to suggestions.
Funny "Breaking Bad" Memes (27 pics) - Picture #21 -
I am SO ready for spring and it's only January.  We still have a long way to go before it warms up.  I am tired of being cold!
More Happies than Crappies this week!  Yay for that!
Happy weekend!


  1. Ah! I've wanted an Apple TV for so long now. Until then I'm stuck with snail mail Netflix too! And I've been meaning to watch Breaking Bad too. I've heard SO many good things about it and just need to break down and get to it! Have a fantastic weekend!

  2. I'm ready for spring too, I'm definitely better suited to warmer seasons! Breaking Bad is on my list of shows to watch, I just need it to be shown on TV from the beginning!

  3. Haha the Breaking Bad meme made me laugh because that's currently what Mr. Fireman & I are doing. Glad you were able to get so much done!

  4. I am with you on the wine... starting this week! I totally meant to start this past week but I failed... epically failed.

    To kickstart my weight loss I'm having someone make a nutrition plan for me! My friend did it and after 1 week she's noticed a difference. The best part? It's only $30!

    Have you ever watched One Tree Hill or Friday Night Lights? Both are great shows that are on netflix stream.
