
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Excuse me while I brush my shoulders off.

It turns out, even after all of these snow days, I still haven't lost my touch. 
You know the kid that just kind of get on your nerves at school?  Loud.  Sometimes rude.  You try to be nice.  They think they're funny.  Sometimes you can't help but laugh.  Yeah, you know that kid.  There is one in every class.
Sometimes I have to get onto those kids, but sometimes I have a soft spot for this kind of student.  They can't catch a break because they are about to drive their regular classroom teacher insane.  Don't get me wrong, they drive me insane too,  but I only have to deal with it for 35 minutes. 
One of these students won a little writing contest that happened within our school.  Select students were asked to write about their favorite teacher, and the winning essay would be hung in the cafeteria.
Guess who she wrote about?
Little old me!

In case you can't read that, here is what it says (keep in mind the student is in the third grade, so please ignore the errors):
"Hi!  My name is _______.  I am the school news reporter.  I am writing about {my} favorite teacher and the teacher I chose is Miss Fuchs, the art teacher. 
The reason I chose her is because she does all kinds of cool stuff (so it's no wonder I chose her I mean come on!)  I like making the really cool paper right now.  Another reason I picked Miss Fuchs is because she is really nice.  She always says thanks or you're welcome and stuff like that.  I know that stuff just sounds like good manners but it's not, its Miss Fuchs.  She is the best art teacher in the generation.  THE END"
Brush. Brush.
Smart kiddo!  My soft spot just got a little softer.
I love my job!


  1. AWWWW!! That is the CUTEST!!! Congratulations! That's kinda a big deal!

  2. That is soooo adorable. Kids approval means so much more than anyone else's in my book! They're the ones who always tell the truth! : )
