
Monday, January 6, 2014

Holiday re-cap on yet another snow day

Another snow day today!  The wind chill out there is -22 degrees so this teacher is very thankful that she doesn't have to go out!  Except for people are starting to make fun of me for never having to work, and I am starting to feel like a bad teacher for never getting anything accomplished.

But what a perfect time for a less-words version of my holiday re-cap!
Kelly and I at his family Christmas.

Dinner with my favorite kiddos on Christmas Eve!

Bloody Marys on Christmas morning!

Drinking punch out of a leftover pineapple...

Our Christmas spread.  We always have appetizers instead of an actual meal, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

The Christmas tree at my mom and dad's house.

My sister and I.

My sister, brother and I.

With my grandma!

Convenience eating at its finest.

Kelly with his favorite new glass.

Megan and I on New Year's Eve!


Hangover breakfast on New Year's Day!

Family dinner at Bar Louie!  This is what happens when you have the same taste as your sister.  We dress the same on accident!

Needless to say, I am so tired of eating and so tired of drinking, but I wish the fun didn't have to end!


  1. Enjoy your time off and STAY WARM! Are you off because of snow? Or because of the -20 degree weather? We are going to be facing that tomorrow and I'm wondering if they will cancel or delay school because kids can't stand in that to wait for the school buses. I just don't want to have to make up any days.

  2. Looks like an excellent time! I'm very jealous that you get a snow day! In Las Vegas there is no such thing...
