
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wait...I actually have to go to work?

There was another snow day yesterday...or a cold day.  We weren't out due to snow.  We were out due to that fact that it felt like it was -20 degrees.  I'm glad I didn't have to weather the frigid temperatures, but I am SO glad to go back to work. 
I have only had to work 13 of the last 36 days, partly due to Christmas break and pre-planned personal days, but 5 of those days were snow days! 
I have gotten so much done around here.. I painted my craft room, made three meals, cleaned the living room, did my laundry, put the Christmas decorations away, and organized my closet.  My scarves are thanking me!
It's not the most Pinteresting of organization techniques, but I was going for more of a cheap and functional look.
Luckily we don't have to make up the last two days because some big-wig said so.  And for that I am thankful!
Hopefully I can remember how to be a teacher today!


  1. That's what my scarves look like! I also try to cram as many as I can on one hanger, why? Just because. And I'm not a real teacher yet...but I was suppose to start me student teaching Monday....and I was already missing them from Christmas break (I worked with them last semester too) and we don't have school until hopefully! tomorrow! AHH! I don't think I even know what to do when I walk in the classroom. I'll just yell, "WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?!" haha

    Sorry for rambling! Good luck today!

  2. Super jealous of your time off lately, but not of the freezing temps.. YIPES! Stay warm!!!
